Closings or delays will be posted 1 hour prior to the start of a program on our Facebook page. We do not follow HCPS closings or Delays. Click here to view and like our Facebook page for current updates.
2025 SUMMER CAMPS Registration is NOW OPEN! Click here to Register!

Holiday Camps

We love making smiles!

HOLIDAY CAMPS are offered on Black Friday and other Holiday Seasons throughout the year such as DECEMBER BREAK. These camps are super FUN with lots of gymnastics skill building and obstacle course challenges for all levels. Tumbling and apparatus work will also be a big part of this camp as we work to improve strength, agility, coordination with lots of gymnastics.

FULL DAY (ages 5 & up):

  • Bring a Peanut Free Lunch and Snacks along with bottled water with a sealed top to sip

HALF DAY (ages 4 & up):

  • Half Day sessions run 9am-11:45pm for the AM session or 12:15 pm-3pm for the PM Session
  • Bring a Peanut Free Snack and drink

Non-members are welcome to attend for an additional $2 fee.
Registration should be done in advance. There is a $2 fee for same day registration. So register in advance, spaces are limited.

Snack bar will be open.

Gripper Socks Required

All Class Student through Pre-team must wear GRIPPER SOCKS. You can purchase them from our online store for $4.00 including tax for your child to pick up at class or camp and then let us know at drop off that your child has socks waiting at front counter from an order. Anyone attending our summer camps must wear gripper socks.

Important Information

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Holiday Camps

Dates and times will be on the Events Calendar below when
Holiday Camps
events are scheduled.
The number (x) next to the events below indicate available spaces left.
<iframe fraeborder="0" height="800px" scrolling="yes" src=";cat1=Special Events" width="100%"></iframe>