Closings or delays will be posted 1 hour prior to the start of a program on our Facebook page. We do not follow HCPS closings or Delays. Click here to view and like our Facebook page for current updates.
2025 SUMMER CAMPS Registration is NOW OPEN! Click here to Register!

Frequently Asked Questions

We love making smiles!


How do I sign up for a class?


If this is your first time, go to our classes tab or summer tab and scroll down to find the class/camp you want to register for and click on the register tab to the left of the class. This will bring up a registration form to complete and an opportunity to put your payment information into the system. After you submit, we review registration and discounts such as multiple class for same child, pro-rating sibling waive of membership, etc. Once the registration is reviewed by us, we then submit it to your credit card company for charge. If you are already a member, register through your parent portal by selecting Classes and Events at the top, and then click "Find Classes". Then you can "Add a Filter" to find the class you want. Choose your class and then add to cart, making sure you check out through the cart to complete the registration. Review your payment information and make sure it is updated to avoid a declined credit card charge. See above for explanation of how we review the registration prior to charging the card.


What is the Registration/Membership Fee and when is it due?


All students who are enrolled in our program must be members of Harford Gymnastics. As members, you are eligible to enroll in our training programs. All active members get discounts on our special events such as birthday parties, open gyms, parents night out, clinics, holiday camps and lunch bunch. This is an annual registration/membership of $35 due once a year for our class program (Pre-team and team members, which are invitation only programs, have a different registration fee.). This registration fee covers liability insurance for each member and administrative fees. We give siblings a discount by waiving the registration fee for siblings in the same family. Your registration fee is due once a year when you are enrolled in a program. This is charged at the beginning of your registration month each year your child is enrolled.


When is the registration for future sessions?


  • School Year registration begins in July for classes September through June (4 month minimum)
  • Summer Camp registration begins in February
  • Summer Class registration begins in April


How do I sign up for a special event (birthday party, clinic, open gym, etc)?


If you are already a registered member (actively enrolled in a class and monthly tuition paid) go into your parent portal and click on the "EVENTS LINK"  There is a place where you can then OPEN a calendar of events.  

If you are not a member (not actively enrolled in a class during that month), go to the events calendar on our website and click on the event you want to register for and a registration screen will come up.

  • Our office staff is available to assist you Mon thru Fri 10am - 3pm.


Should I create a parent portal after I register when it prompts me?


YES, by using your parent portal for future registration you get the member benefits of early registration and discounted special events. It also allows you to check on your transactions and registrations.

It is important to use your parent portal to keep your credit card information up to date to avoid the declined credit card fee if your payments do not go through.​​


What does my gymnast wear?


Female gymnasts should wear a leotard or athletic shorts with a T-shirt. The leotard must be a one piece attire because we do not allow the stomach to be showing.  We do not allow jeans or spagetti strap shirts. We do allow athletic shorts/spandex to be worn over the leotard or as part of it (unitard). We do not allow tights with feet in them since we require participants to wear gripper socks (can be purchased through our Online Pro Shop). Link is on our home page.

Male gymnasts should wear athletic shorts and a close fitting T-shirt. No jeans are allowed.

Bees students should dress in comfortable clothing without zippers or buckles. Adults accompanying our 1-3 year olds in our Jr. Bee program should dress comfortably, and will come into the gym in stocking feet.  All Bees students must wear gripper socks (can be purchased through our Online Pro Shop).

  • All: No jewelry allowed except for stud earrings.
  • All hair past the shoulders must be tied back.


What is our refund policy?


There are no credits or refunds for missed classes due to personal reasons, or closings of the facility for inclement weather, government shutdowns, power outages or other hazards.  We do offer make up classes. There are no credits or refunds on tuition for early un-enrollments. Un-Enrollment requests cannot be backdated to receive a credit or refund for missed classes. Summer Camp Registration is Non-refundable after June 1st. There is a $20 Processing Fee per child to process the refund for camps canceled prior to June 1st.


What do I do if we must miss a class?


It certainly is best to attend classes regularly for the best learning experience; however, we do understand that sometimes you must miss a class. And we certainly do not want you to send your child if they are feeling ill.

Members may sign up for one personal make up class per month enrolled. Make up classes may have a larger age range then our normal classes. Please request an exception of the one per month make up if needed for extended illness or injury.  Make-ups are scheduled online on our Make up Calendar. Advanced registration is required for ALL Make Ups.  Additionally, Class students may sign up for make-ups for any closings of the facility for inclement weather, government shutdowns, power outages or other hazards.  Students do not get make ups for our scheduled holiday closings.

CANCELLATIONS: If you are unable to attend the makeup class you registered your child for, please cancel at least 24 hours in advance.  NO SHOWS: Please note that we will not be able to re-schedule make ups due to no show.

There are no make-ups for missed practices for team or pre-team due to the reduced hourly rate offered for these programs.

General Program Information

School Year Program 2024-2025

September 5, 2024
June 4, 2025

2024-25 School Year Program runs Thursday Sept 5th - Wednesday June 4th. Four month minimum required except if joining in March and after, in which case enrollment through the end of school year is required. Last billing is May 1st program ends June 4th. Tuition automatically billed monthly. Withdraw form needs submitted by the 20th of the month to stop billing for the following month after your 4 month minimum requirement is met if you choose not to continue. CLOSED: Halloween at 4pm, Thanksgiving Thur, Fri, Sat and Sunday, Holiday Break Dec 24-Jan 1st, Easter Sunday, and Memorial Weekend Saturday thru Monday. Enrollment after March 6th Start Date will be for the remainder of the school year ending June 4th. No un-enrollments forms accepted after Feb 20, 2025

Summer Camps

June 16, 2025
August 15, 2025

Weekly Camps are available. Closed July 4th and 5th for ALL PROGRAMS. Summer Camp registration begins in January.

Summer Classes

June 20, 2025
August 16, 2025

Summer Classes will be for the complete 8 week SUMMER SESSION and not rolling monthly like our school year program. Closed on July 4th and 5th for ALL PROGRAMS. Registration for Summer Classes begins April 1st.

Important Forms