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  • 3 Gymnasts qualified to the Eastern NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS in Georgia AND ALL THREE WON AWARDS!!!
  • 5 Harford Gymnasts were BAR CHAMPIONS at the L9 REGIONALS (Bars is the hardest event to come back from after a shutdown!!)
  • 19 Gymnasts Qualified to compete at REGIONALS which included the best of the best from MD, VA, WVA, DEL, NJ, and PA
  • 8 REGIONAL Gold Medal Titles Won
  • 22 State Champions GOLD medalist on various events
  • 6 of the Highest scores for Harford Gymnasts EVER! (OK... so they were virtual meets, but still outstanding!)
  • 4 Senior Gymnasts moving on to Collegiate Gymnastics or Acro Teams
  • 20 of our Gymnasts won STATE or REGIONAL Gold Medal First Place

Season Re-cap... What is so remarkable about this year's accomplishments is that even in a year with lots of changes, lots of extra stresses, and lots of uncertainty... our gymnasts and coaches always gave it their best! And proudly we announce 8 Regional GOLD Medalist & 22 MARYLAND STATE CHAMPIONS for 2021!

At the start of the season, we were just hoping to help get all our gymnasts' skills back from our 3 month shutdown. Many of you joined in our at home workouts during that shutdown and gained a head start when we finally got back in the gym. And oh what an effort the coaches gave to haul out equipment daily, for 2 weeks last June, to give you an even bigger opportunity for a jump start. Then you all bought into the new procedures to mitigate the spread of covid and to the idea that progress was going to be a bit slower than normal. As time went on, the coaches & gymnasts began to prove that this was gonna be more than just a developmental year. As the culminating part of the season approached, your readiness and accomplishments screamed loud and clear that you were giving it your all, despite the extra hassles everyone had to deal with this year. AND THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED... WOW!

The mega hours of figuring out and implementing a plan for team this season with Covid, was so worth it to see so many happy gymnasts and so many great accomplishments. Wonderful to see gymnasts Happy for themselves, Happy for teammates, and Happy to be doing the sport they love. We couldn't be more proud!